
English for Scientific Purposes B2-C1

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiant-es ayant un début de niveau B2 acquis, et visant le niveau B2-C1.

This course covers fundamental as well as advanced aspects of communication and interaction skills in English-speaking academic and professional contexts.


From interacting in scientific communities (asking for advice from a supervisor, discussing published research, poster presentations, etc.) to organising and writing the various sections of a research paper (e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion – including data description and analysis), the course covers most of the language skills necessary to conduct scientific research in an English-speaking context.


This course draws on a range of real-life situations (audio and written sources from a broad range of natural and experimental sciences: biology, physics, mathematics, medicine, etc. ) and focuses on language points (e.g. specialised terminology, linking sentences, organising paragraphs, etc.) relevant in those scientific contexts.


The knowledge and skills acquired in this course are also intended to be transferable to the professional world of fundamental science and technology.

  • improve your communication and interaction skills within academic and professional scientific communities.
  • better understand and write literature reviews.
  • describe and analyse lab and quantitative research.
  • organise and write the various sections of a research paper in the field of fundamental science and technology.
  • give papers and socialise at conferences.
  • better understand and improve linguistic skills in the technical and specialised vocabulary of natural and experimental sciences.
  • communicate and interact in a scientific professional context.

All material will be supplied during classes and available on Moodle. Various websites, news sources and documents will be used in the class.

Modalité : contrôle continu.

Attestation d'assiduité (sans mention de crédits ECTS) :

  • 80% de présence ainsi qu'une participation active au cours sont requis.

Attestation de réussite (avec mention de crédits ECTS) :

  •  80% de présence ainsi qu'une participation active au cours sont requis.
  • obtention d'une moyenne globale de 4 points sur 6 au contrôle continu

Crédits ECTS*

L’estimation de la charge de travail pour ce cours correspond à 3 crédits ECTS pour un semestre et à 6 crédits ECTS pour deux semestres.

*La reconnaissance de ces crédits relève du domaine de chaque Faculté (étudiant-es UNIGE) ou de l’Université d’origine (étudiant-es d’échange)